
Higher Order Lazy Language (HLL)

The lexical structure of HLL

Type names, type variables, constructor names, function names and variables are represented by identifiers.

An identifier is a sequence of latin letters and digits, the first character being a letter.

A function name, type variable and a variable must start with a small letter.

A constructor name and type name must start with a capital letter.

The syntax of programs

In the following {A} means the construct A repeated zero or more times, and [A] means the construct A is optional. Literals and keywords are shown as code.

program ::= {typeDefinition} goal [ where {functionDefinition} ]

goal ::= expression

typeDefinition ::= data typeConstructor = dataConstructor {| dataConstructor} ;

typeConstructor ::= typeName {typeVariable} ;

dataConstructor ::= constructorName {type} ;

type ::= typeVariable | typeConstructor | type -> type | ( type )

functionDefinition ::= functionName = abstraction ;

expression :: = variable | constructor | functionName | abstraction | application | caseExpression | letrec | ( expression )

constructor ::= constructorName {expression}

abstraction ::= \ variable { variable } -> expression

application ::= expression expression

caseExpression ::= case expression of { {branch} }

letrec ::= letrec functionName = abstraction in expression

branch ::= pattern -> expression ;

pattern ::= constructorName {variable}

HLL is typed using the Hindley-Milner polymorphic typing system.

A program in HLL consists of a number of data type definitions, an expression to be evaluated and a set of function definitions. An expression to be evaluated may contain free variables.

A left-hand side of a data type definition is a type name (more precisely, a type constructor name) followed by a list of type variables. The right-hand side consists of one or more constructor declarations.

An expression is either a variable, a constructor, a lambda abstraction, an application, a case expression or an expression in parenthesis. A function definition binds a variable to a lambda abstraction. The intended operational semantics of HLL is the normal-order graph reduction to a weak head normal form. The data analysis is performed by pattern matching with constructors in case expressions.

Each constructor has a fixed arity. The variables in the patterns of case expressions and the arguments of lambda-abstractions are bound; all other variables are free. Each function has exactly one definition and all variables within a definition are bound. No variables may appear more than once within a pattern. Patterns in a case expression are non-overlapping and exhaustive.

Currently, in a source program, letrec expressions are allowed to appear only inside the program goal.


Functions over lists

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a);

append (map f xs) (map f ys)


compose = \f g x ->  f (g x);

unit = \x -> Cons x Nil;

id = \xs ->
    case xs of {
        Nil -> Nil;
        Cons x1 xs1 -> Cons x1 (id xs1);

map = \f xs ->
    case xs of {
        Nil -> Nil;
        Cons x1 xs1 -> Cons (f x1) (map f xs1);

join = \xs ->
    case xs of { 
        Nil -> Nil;
        Cons x1 xs1 -> append x1 (join xs1);

append = \xs ys ->
    case xs of {
        Nil -> ys;
        Cons x1 xs1 -> Cons x1 (append xs1 ys);