
See also: SampleMemberFirstArg, SampleMember.

Input code

eq(Z, y) = eqZ(y);
eq(S(x), y) = eqS(y, x);
eqZ(Z) = True;
eqZ(S(x)) = False;
eqS(Z, x) = False;
eqS(S(y), x) = eq(x, y);

memberSel(Nil, x) = False;
memberSel(Cons(y, ys), x) = memberEq(eq(x, y), x, ys);

memberEq(True, x, ys) = True;
memberEq(False, x, ys) = memberSel(ys, x);

member(x, ys) = memberSel(ys, x);

memberZSZ(x) = member(x, Cons(Z, Cons(S(Z), Nil)));

Start function


Supercompiled code

memberEq1(Z()) = True();
memberEq1(S(a)) = memberEq2(a);
memberEq2(Z()) = True();
memberEq2(S(a)) = False();

memberZSZ(a) = memberEq1(a);


member(x, list) returns True, if x appears in the list list, and False otherwise.

memberZSZ(x) returns True, if x appears in the list consisting of Z and S(Z), and False otherwise.

Upon supercompiling the source program, we get a version of member “specialized” with respect to the value of its second argument. Besides, the target program has the structure that is “simpler” than that of the source program. The source program containes recursive function definitions, while there is no recursion in the target program. (Or, in more “imperative” terms, there is no “loops”.)