Our supercompiler deals with programs written in a simple first-order functional language (SLL). The intended operational semantics of the language is normal-order graph reduction to weak head normal form.
Constructor names, function names and variables are represented by identifiers.
An identifier is a sequence of latin letters and digits, the first character being a letter.
A function name or a variable must start with a small letter.
A constructor name must start with a capital letter.
In the following {A} means the construct A repeated zero or more times, and [A] means the construct A is optional.
program ::= {functionDefinition}
functionDefinition ::= fFunctionDefinition | gFunctionDefinition
fFunctionDefinition ::= fRule;
gFunctionDefinition ::= {gRule;
fRule ::= functionName(
fParameters) =
gRule ::= functionName(
gParameters) =
fParameters ::= [variable {,
gParameters ::= pattern {,
pattern ::= constructorName(
[variable {,
expression ::= variable | constructor | fFunctionCall | gFunctionCall
constructor ::= constructorName[(
[expression {,
fFunctionCall ::= functionName(
[expression {,
gFunctionCall ::= functionName(
expression {,
We require that no two patterns in a g-function definition contain
the same constructor c
, that no variable occur more than once in
a left side of a rule, and that all variables on the right side
of a rule be present in its left side.
In a program, all occurrences of a constructor, an f-function or a g-function must have the same arity.
Note that if a constructor is a zero-arity one the parentheses can be omitted:
and B
are equivalent.
In the following program, the g-function Append
appends 2 lists, and
the f-function Append3
appends 3 lists.
append(Nil, vs) = vs;
append(Cons(u, us), vs) = Cons(u, append(us, vs));
append3(xs, ys, zs) = append(append(xs, ys), zs);
Supposing that the natural numbers are represented in unary system
(Z represents zero, and S(n) the number n+1), the function eq
tests numbers for equality.
eq(Z, y) = eqZ(y);
eq(S(x), y) = eqS(y, x);
eqZ(Z) = True;
eqZ(S(x)) = False;
eqS(Z, x) = False;
eqS(S(y), x) = eq(x, y);
Note that SLL doesn’t allow rules like
eq(S(x), S(y)) = eq(x, y);
The following program defines the function member(x, ys)
tests that the number x
appears in the list ys
eq(Z, y) = eqZ(y);
eq(S(x), y) = eqS(y, x);
eqZ(Z) = True;
eqZ(S(x)) = False;
eqS(Z, x) = False;
eqS(S(y), x) = eq(x, y);
null(Nil) = True;
null(Cons(x, xs)) = False;
head(Cons(x, xs)) = x;
tail(Cons(x, xs)) = xs;
if(True, x, y) = x;
if(False, x, y) = y;
not(x) = if(x, False, True);
or(x, y) = if(x, True, y);
and(x, y) = if(x, y, False);
member(x, list) = and(not(null(list)), or(eq(x, head(list)), member(x, tail(list))));
As strange as it may seem, a program is allowed to contain calls to undefined functions, on condition that all calls to an undefined function have the same arity.
Partial process tree may have a leaf with label g(C(...), ...)
, despite the
fact that there is no rule in the definition of g
corresponding to c
. This
means that an attempt to evaluate such a call would result in abnormal program
termination. However, since the semantics of the language is lazy, such a call
may never be evaluated.
For this reason spsc sometimes generates calls to g-functions whose domain is empty. Technically, a definition of such a function has zero rules.