
See also: SampleEqTheSame.

Input code

eq(Z, y) = eqZ(y);
eq(S(x), y) = eqS(y, x);
eqZ(Z) = True;
eqZ(S(x)) = False;
eqS(Z, x) = False;
eqS(S(y), x) = eq(x, y);

eq2(x) = eq(S(S(Z)), x);

Start function


Supercompiled code

eq2(a) = eqS1(a);

eqS1(Z()) = False();
eqS1(S(a)) = eqS2(a);
eqS2(Z()) = False();
eqS2(S(a)) = eqZ1(a);
eqZ1(Z()) = True();
eqZ1(S(a)) = False();


This sample shows transforming a binary function into a unary one.

Supposing that non-negative integers are represented as

Z, S(Z), S(S(Z)), S(S(S(Z))), ...

the function eq tests two numbers for equality. And eq2 returns True iff its argument is equal to S(S(Z)).

SPSC specializes eq with respect to its first argument (equal to S(S(Z)), to produce a unary function.

We may consider eq as an interpreter, its first argument being a “known program” in the “language of non-negative integers”, and the second argument “unknown input data”. Then the function eqS1 produced by SPSC can be considered as the result of “compiling the program S(S(Z))” to a program written in the functional language SPSC deals with. An example of the “first Futamura projection”…