
See also: SampleEq2.

Input code

eq(Z, y) = eqZ(y);
eq(S(x), y) = eqS(y, x);

eqZ(Z) = True;
eqZ(S(x)) = False;

eqS(Z, x) = False;
eqS(S(y), x) = eq(x, y);

eqxx(x) = eq(x, x);

Start function


Supercompiled code

eq1(Z()) = True();
eq1(S(a)) = eq1(a);

eqxx(a) = eq1(a);


In this case, False is never returned by the function eq1 produced by SPSC. Hence, SPSC has “proved the theorem” that “X=X cannot be false”.

An illustration to the idea that a supercompiler may be used for “theorem proving”.